
We aim at developing concepts for sustainable sugar beet production in Germany. The exchange between IfZ and agricultural advising agencies ensures the transfer of the latest recommendations to the sugar beet growers enabling them to set the results into practice.

We publish our research results in scientific and practical journals, in workgroups, cenferences - and on our homepage.

IfZ scientists take part in the curriculum of the faculty for agricultural sciences of the Georg-August-University Goettingen and provide guidance to numerous final papers and doctorates. On behalf of the federal Bureau of seed varieties (Bundessortenamt), IfZ is responsible for the technical organisation of official assessment of variety value, resulting in the authorisation of new sugar beet varieties.

Along with the sugar economy we coordinate nationwide field trials in agronomy, plant protection and seed varieties, which are being conducted by regional workgroups. The central evaluation of the results takes place at IfZ.

We do research for new prospects in sugar beet cultivation.

FaLang translation system by Faboba


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